Showing 73 to 96 of 168

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Decoding Your Home

Experts from Auckland Council’s Heritage Unit, Archives, the Auckland Libraries’ Research Centre and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga share resources to help you research your property’s history and style.

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Successful judicial review of 44 Ventnor Road development

Neighbours of the 13 townhouse development at 44 Ventnor Rd in Remuera were successful in the Environment Court with their judicial review of the non-notification and resource consenting process by Auckland Council.

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Support the Character Coalition’s Submission Against Further Intensification – ACTION REQUIRED NOW

Submissions on the surprise legislation to enable yet more intensification of Auckland close on 16 November 2021 - NEXT TUESDAY!

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Demolition of Wilson’s Jetty

The Wilson's Jetty was removed last week by Auckland Council, against the wishes of local residents. Another example of demolition by neglect.

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Summer Soirée, hosted by Lauraine Jacobs

4.00pm, Early 2022 (TBC) at 21 Ridings Road.

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Demolition of Wilson’s Jetty – Notice of Works Commencing

Demolition of Wilson's jetty will be undertaken from 4-12 October 2021.

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Demolition of Wilson’s Jetty

Remuera Heritage has received a letter from Auckland Council. It is ironic that after years of not finding the funds to maintain Wilson's Jetty, the council can now find the funds to demolish it.

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The Backlash Against Heritage

Yes we should be worried about the backlash against heritage buildings – read the PHANZA article about the government's apparent reversal in attitude to built heritage and implications on our built environment.

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In Memoriam: Bruce Culpan 1930-2021

Remuera Heritage notes with sadness the passing of Bruce Culpan, Remuera resident and pharmacist, on 24 August 2021.

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The ‘Remuera Round’ has been Digitised

'Remuera Round' has been digitised and Auckland Libraries have made it accessible on their heritage website. 'Remuera Round' was a local newspaper published weekly in Remuera from 1945 to 1952.

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National Policy Statement on Urban Development – what does it mean for Remuera?

Auckland Council has released proposed approaches for implementing the government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) including the policies requiring more intensification across the city.

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Built Heritage at Risk: The Shape of Things to Come

6.30pm, Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at Remuera Library.

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Remuera Heritage 2021 Annual Report

Chair's Annual Report to 31 March 2021.

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Butler House Added as a Category 2 Historic Place

Butler House (Former) has been added to the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero as a Category 2 historic place.

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Remuera Heritage Annual General Meeting 2021

6.30pm, Friday 21 May 2021 at Remuera Library.

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Homesteads: The Story of New Zealand’s Grand Country Houses, with Debra Millar

At her talk on 15 April 2021 Debra Millar paid tribute to the remarkable legacy of New Zealand's grand rural homesteads.

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Urban Tree Loss: Protecting our heritage environment

Urban trees offer a sense of place and a connection with the past. They are an environmental and cultural touchstone, and play a massive role in urban New Zealand.

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Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Nursery Development at Pourewa

On Wednesday 31 March 2021 the Eastern Bays Network was invited to visit the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei nursery development at Pourewa, on Kepa Road, Ōrākei.

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A Comment on the Unitary Plan Single House Zone Policy

How the unitary plan’s broad policy platform of 'transforming’ our city into a more intensified city is being exploited, and how local communities are being disenfranchised.

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Feedback to the Auckland Council Long Term Plan 2021-2031

Auckland Council is seeking feedback on its Long Term Plan 2021-2031. Remuera Heritage provides the following feedback.

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The Story of New Zealand’s Grand Country Houses, with Debra Millar

6.30pm, Thursday, 15 April 2021 at Remuera Library.

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Historic Wallpaper and Other Treasures – Illustrated Talk by Amy Gaimster

In her illustrated talk, on the 18 February 2021, Amy Gaimster gave an explanation of how her interest in historic wallpaper and interiors developed, and outlined her experience working at the William Morris Gallery.

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Government Plans to Scrap 30-year-old Resource Management Act – How Will This Affect Heritage?

The government will scrap the Resource Management Act (RMA) and replace it with three new pieces of legislation.

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Tour – Two Houses of Kaipara, Saturday 27 February 2021

On Saturday February 27th 2021 Heritage Northland will be leading a tour of the Matakohe area of the Kaipara taking in the history and architecture of two significant homes.

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