Showing 49 to 72 of 99

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Historic Wallpaper and Other Treasures – Illustrated Talk by Amy Gaimster

In her illustrated talk, on the 18 February 2021, Amy Gaimster gave an explanation of how her interest in historic wallpaper and interiors developed, and outlined her experience working at the William Morris Gallery.

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Government Plans to Scrap 30-year-old Resource Management Act – How Will This Affect Heritage?

The government will scrap the Resource Management Act (RMA) and replace it with three new pieces of legislation.

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Tour – Two Houses of Kaipara, Saturday 27 February 2021

On Saturday February 27th 2021 Heritage Northland will be leading a tour of the Matakohe area of the Kaipara taking in the history and architecture of two significant homes.

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Just Published and Available for Purchase – The Great Māori Feast at Remuera.

Our publication 'The Great Māori Feast at Remuera' originated as a presentation for the 2020 Auckland Heritage Festival.

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Updated Methodology for Evaluation of Historic Heritage Sites

Updated in August 2020, this document guides the process of evaluating the significance of historic heritage places against Auckland Council criteria.

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Plan Change 31

Auckland Council's decision following the hearing of a Plan Modification to the Auckland Unitary Plan under the Resource Management Act 1991, October 2020.

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Auckland’s Heritage Counts

The Heritage Counts programme started in 2018. It involves collecting statistics and research on Auckland's heritage places.

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Remuera Heritage now a Digital New Zealand partner

Digital NZ which is part of the NZ National Library has harvested our Remuera Heritage stories and data from this website.

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105th anniversary of the Battle of Chunuk Bair

8 August 2020 marked the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Chunuk Bair.

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Resource Consent Granted – 78 Orakei Road

The Resource Consent application on 78 Orakei Road was granted on 23 July 2020, after a review hearing by Council Duty Commissioners.

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Caring for Heritage: Wharema, 34 Portland Road

Recent work on the original homestead of Edward William Payton, at 34 Portland Road, built c1887, have been noted by Remuera Heritage.

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Remuera Heritage Newsletter Archive 2020 –

Missed our newsletters? Read our latest news here.

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Remuera’s Century-Old Homes Campaign

‘Remuera’s Century-Old Homes’ is an exciting new campaign developed by Remuera Heritage to capture and share the stories of some of Remuera’s many historic homes.  

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Remuera Heritage 2020 Annual Report

Chair's Annual Report to 31 March 2020.

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Daffodils on Ōhinerau Mt Hobson

The daffodil patch on Ohinerau-Mt Hobson has been mown for in-fill planting of additional daffodil bulbs.

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Dilapidated Condition of Remuera Railway Station

The condition of Remuera Railway Station is of serious concern. There is graffiti, and rust and rot are taking hold.

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11 Mount Hobson Lane

The villa at 11 Mount Hobson Lane has a history that requires further exploration. It may have been associated with the waterworks on Mount Hobson.

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Heritage Under Threat in Remuera

There has been a lot of neighbourhood activity recently around a proposed development at 78 Orakei Road, where a reported 172 year old house is to be demolished to make way for 19 townhouses.

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Share Your Experience of the COVID-19 Lockdown

Add to Remuera's story. Share with us how life in Remuera has changed, since the Covid-19 lockdown.

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The First

The First provides insight into Remuera’s Walsh Brothers, Leo, Vivian and their sisters Doreen and Veronica, and other Edwardian pioneering men and women of Remuera.

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Calling William Henning’s Descendants

We are holding a Memorial Plaque or “Dead Man’s Penny” for William Henning which was issued after the First World War.

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Restoration of Kaiserbahnhof

On Sunday 16 February 2020 Peter Macky spoke to a full-house at Remuera Railway Station on the restoration of the historic Kaiserbahnhof in Halbe, about 40 km southeast of Berlin.

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In Memoriam: Gloria Poupard-Wallbridge 1946-2020

Remuera Heritage was saddened to hear of the passing of Gloria Poupard-Wallbridge on 20th January 2020 in Hong Kong.

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Restoration Project: An Ellerslie Historical Journey

The Remuera Heritage Society – Ohinerangi Charitable Trust recently provided sponsorship to Christ Church Ellerslie to clean and restore its historic windows.

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