Plan change 78 from Auckland Council on Intensification
Auckland Council publicly notified seven plan changes on 18th August 2022. The most important is PC78 on Intensification.
The following important plan changes were notified publicly by Auckland Council on the 18th August 2022.
- PC 78: Intensification - PC 81: Additions to Schedule 14 Historic Heritage Schedule
- PC 82: Amendments to Schedule 14 Historic Heritage Schedule - PC 83: Additions and amendments to Schedule 10 Notable Trees Schedule - PC 83: Additions and amendments to Schedule 10 Notable Trees Schedule - PC 80: RPS Well-Functioning Urban Environment, Resilience to the Effects of Climate Change and Qualifying Matters
The most important is Plan Change 78 on Intensification. Please go to the maps and check if your and your neighbours’ properties are affected by intensification. The maps can be accessed here-
The video on using the maps is well worth watching.
As far as Remuera Heritage can tell, the Special Character Area Overlay has been retained for the following areas:
- Ridings Rd (part of) , Dunholme Rd, Warrington Rd
- Orakei Rd (part of) to & including Ara St and Rangitoto Ave
- Victoria Avenue 155—185 to Hiriri Ave/Mahoe Ave
- Arney Rd top half and top of Bassett Rd, Seaview Rd, and part of Bell Rd
- Upland Rd 19-47, and 148-166 Upland Rd
- Ranui Rd, Woodley Ave
- Entrican Ave
The maunga Ōhinerau Mt Hobson has been THAB’ed – all surrounding properties have been zoned Terrace Housing & Apartment Blocks!
It is still unknown which properties were added to the SCA Overlay.
Please check your property and let us know if you agree or disagree at
Submissions on the notifications are open till the 29th of September 2022.
Update from Character Coalition, 23 August 2022
Council’s proposed changes to the Unitary Plan were publicly notified on Thursday 18 August 2022.
Accordingly, Auckland Council is now asking for submissions on its proposed plan changes that respond to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development and recent RMA amendments, known as Plan Changes 78 to 83.
The main intensification plan change is Plan Change 78. The changes, including the maps showing where Council proposes to retain character and heritage areas, are all on the Council website which you can access through this link.
By making a submission you can give your views and suggestions on these proposed changes to our city’s planning rules to be considered by a Hearings Panel early next year.
The submission period is open from 18 August until 29 September 2022.
You can read more information about Council’s proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan and make a submission online through the Auckland Council website – linked here again
Included in the documents supporting the Plan Change proposal, Council has published an information sheet on character and heritage provisions in the Plan Change – for your reference it is also provided here.
What happens next
The Hearings Panel will hold hearings in 2023 allowing submitters to also present their case in person if they wish. The Panel will then make recommendations to the Council in early 2024 on any changes they think should be made to the Auckland Unitary Plan.
Council must then decide to accept or reject the Panel’s recommendations. If a recommendation is rejected, the Minister for the Environment makes the final decision.
What you can do
It is important that as many people and groups as possible make submissions supporting the inclusion of special character areas as a qualifying matter, and identifying areas that have been excluded but should be included.
We have prepared a reference submission sheet that you can refer to if you wish, linked here. This is not a template submission. It is important that submissions are from the view of the submitter or submitting organisation – not only should they be in your own words but they should particularly address how the proposal effects the interests of the submitter or submitting organisation.
Remember, all submissions on this proposed Plan Change must be sent to Council by 29 September 2022.
Read full update from the Character Coalition here.