Visit to the Auckland Freemasons Centre Museum and Library – Wednesday 13th March 2024
There is an excellent museum and library based at the Auckland Freemasons Centre, 181 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton. The centre contains a memorial to long-term Remuera resident Norman Berridge Spencer, who was initiated into the Remuera Lodge in 1921 and by 1932 was Master of the Lodge. In 1959 he was the first New Zealander to be awarded the Order of Service to Masonry (OSM), the highest honour the English Lodge, headquartered in London, can bestow.
Please RSVP ASAP to by 9th March 2024.
WHEN: Wednesday 13th March 10.00am to Noon, with a talk and a tour around the centre.
WHERE: Freemasons Centre, Level 1, 181 Khyber Pass Rd, on corner of Auburn St, first street on the left after the SH1 exit at Khyber Pass. Above the Persian Rug Gallery. Garage parking down the ramp on left of Auburn St. Park anywhere except the bank of empty slots on the South side. Take the lift to Level 1. Please consider carpooling.