Remuera Heritage Annual General Meeting, 2022
6.30pm, Friday 27 May 2022
Remuera Library
Welcome to our Annual General Meeting – our first meeting this year!
The Chair will present the Annual Report, the Treasurer the Financial Report and the election of officers will be held. We welcome everyone who is passionate about heritage, whether it’s cultural, built, natural or local history. Your attendance at this meeting is encouraged, as are those who are interested to serve in a leadership role and achieve the Association’s goals. If this is you, just email to put your name forward.
Our guest speaker will be Joanna Boileau who has written a history of Ladies College, the private girls’ school in Remuera, run by Mrs Sarah Moore-Jones and which was attended by Jean Batten in the 1920s. Ladies College closed in the 1930s and the building was demolished in 1966.
AGM Agenda
1) Attendance: please tick off or sign the circulating attendance register. Please RSVP if planning to come.
2) Apologies.
3) Approve minutes of 2020-21 AGM.
4) Chairperson’s report.
5) Financial report.
6) Appointment of Auditor – committee recommends that no auditor be appointed, as in previous years.
7) Remits or Notices of Motion: i) Remit to change requirement for 3 General meetings pa. Proposed remove Line 1 Clause 5.1. No reason for this and has not been done. “5.1 (Delete: Meetings shall take place not less than three (3) times in each year). Meetings shall be held at a place and time to be decided by the Society.”
ii) Remit to remove requirement for society’s bank account to be located at a branch in Remuera. This is now not possible and personal banking is infrequent. Proposed to remove this clause. “10.3 All funds received by or on behalf of the Society shall be deposited in the bank account of the Society. (Delete: which shall be maintained in the Remuera branch of a Bank operating full retail banking facilities)”.
8) Setting annual fee for 2022-23. As we are now registered for GST there have been some slight changes in what the committee recommends, which is $30 for individual membership and $45 for family memberships.
9) Election of officers and committee. Current Committee is: Chair – Sue Cooper, Secretary – Stuart Hayman , Treasurer – John Ryan , Committee – Brian Cooper; Sue Jackson; Sue Johnston; Bryan Haggitt; Jenny Scott. We do need some new (younger) committee members so please think about this. Not hard work.
10) Ohinerangi Charitable Trust report.
11) Any other business. None notified.
Stuart Hayman
5 May 2022