Newmarket Police Station – End of an Era
The old Newmarket Police Station on the corner of Remuera and Middleton Roads is listed on Auckland Council’s Historic Heritage Schedule (No. 2545). What will happen to the old station, masonry villa and lock-up?
The first Newmarket Police Station was opened 139 years ago, in 1882 in what was a rented cottage, situated on Manukau Road (now Broadway). Forty four staff were stationed here under the command of the Inspector in Charge of the Auckland District.
In the 1870s Parnell constables patrolled the Remuera-Newmarket district, and in 1882, the first Newmarket Police Station opened on Manukau Road (now Broadway), just south of Khyber Pass. In 1895, this shifted to the eastern side of Manukau Road, between Newmarket Railway Station and the Royal George Inn, with the Newmarket constable also responsible for the Remuera district. In 1911 Remuera did receive its own police station at 498 Remuera Road, between Orakei and Upland Roads. (Carlyon & Morrow – A Fine Prospect)
Officers move out of century-old Auckland police station
End of an Era: Farewell to New Market Police Station
End of an era: Newmarket’s historic Police Station moves